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Are We Getting Trumped?

Writer's picture: aimgralnickaimgralnick

This salesman is no Willie Loman. Instead of a slow death, Donald Trump regenerates himself. He is reincarnated every day. No waiting. His product line is limited, yet he gets the most out of it. Mr. Trump truly is the epitome of the expression,”He could sell ice to an Eskimo.” Ironically enough, it seems that somewhere down the tundra, the Eskimos may actually end up needing ice though a product for dealing with that does not seem to be in the Trump sales catalog.

Like many who are experienced in the nuances and analysis of same in politics, I’m amazed. Credit goes to the NY Times magazine article on Mr. Trump’s winning, losing and then declaring victory-after-loss tale about New York City’s Plaza hotel. In it we are told some hit-me-between-the-eyes observations about this anti-Willie Loman.

  1. He is superb at reading his opponent

  2. He sizes up a crowd as quickly and unerringly as he sizes up a person

  3. He then presents whatever Donald Trump is needed to do the job

So it, seems, say I, that for a non-politician, Mr. Trump has all the skills of a brilliant one.

A diplomat not so much, but politician, my oh my.

In his love affair and then love affair lost with Ted Cruz, “The Donald” evinced excellent use of the adage, “Hold your friends close; hold your enemies closer.” In doing so, as his arm’s length “he’s a good guy” friend became not such a good guy, Trump slyly drew him closer–promptly putting the cocky Senator in the proverbial “dancing with a bear” position.  Cruz now seems to be getting Trumped as his numbers in Iowa rose and now seem to be falling in direct proportion to Mr. Trump’s fortunes in reverse.

But even a bear can dance with just so many partners, so early on this bear from the Wharton School of Business tested how many of the bears he would have to dance with. Some he dispatched with short, viciously aimed parries. I give you Gov. Jeb Bush as an example. Some, after some fences and jabs, he dismissed. Can you say Carly Fiorina? A bunch he just paid no attention to and in paying them no attention got people wondering if they had any worth because they weren’t being pasted by Donald Trump ie Rick Santorum. At least one he twirled around the floor before spinning him off to the side. That would be the “No Show” Senator from the Sunshine State, Marco Rubio who proved elocution, charm, and a quick wit will take one just so far. And then there was one, Senator Ego from Texas for whom 99 other Senators have nary a life saver candy no less a real one as the Cruz Crusade hits the high waves and winds from the Trump Tornado.

As a forlorn and frustrated baseball legend Casey Stengel, then manager of the hapless NY Mets, once bemoaned, “Is there anyone here who can play this game?” Mind you I said game, “Trumpolitics.” It is a combination of monopoly, ward politics, and the machinations of Machiavelli. Only one comes to mind and for my money I wish it were the rotund rough-houser from NJ. Methinks however he is so tied up in his own webs, that getting untangled may take longer than he has. And while some observers think this winter storm was a blessing because he showed his ability to jump in and be an executive dealing with an emergency, I think not. It hog-tied him when he needed to be able to run free. Now, anytime soon, that he leaves his state’s again devastated shores will be seen as too soon.

So who is my dark horse? Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. Even as I write this though I concede very dark is that horse.

But back to the horse that is shining. The Times Magazine article also offered this about the “I’ve got so much money….” billionaire candidate. Mr. Trump is addicted to winning. Therefore each prize is focused on at the beginning and for the “final round-up.” Within weeks of one ending he’s already pursuing his next conquest. The article implies that it is that lack of focus that would make him an impossible president. Not so fast. Does not our Commander in Chief get faced with constant new potential prizes to deal with, or losses to avert? Does our president not have to be onto the next thing even before he’s finished with the last. The presidency is often all about public relations and crisis management. Tell me who in the GOP field you see who is better at those things than DJT?

We’ll revisit this after Iowa and New Hampshire, but it appears that while absent in his platform, or whatever one can call it, energy efficiency is the name of Trump’s game. So far he has gotten more mileage on less fuel than any major candidate for high office ever has. Unfortunate it will be if he becomes the model for the newest generation of hybrid poiticians but to date, he’s gaming all the gamers and getting the most out of the little he has in the tank–at least from my perspective.

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